medieval weekend

Magna Carta Medieval Weekend

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Saturday 8 August, 10.00am–4.30pm Sunday 9 August, 12.30pm–4.30pm Durham Cathedral. Meet the Medieval townsfolk and craftspeople as they take up residence within the Cathedral grounds – encounter a delightful array of sounds, smells and sights from a bygone era. See demonstrations of pastimes and skills that filled their daily life, and be entertained with music, […]

1.2.Reg.3 (1216 Magna Carta)(cropped)

The Great Charter – Magna Carta Community Opera

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Saturday 13th June, Durham Cathedral. Saturday 20 June, Middlesbrough Cathedral. Young people from County Durham and Middlesbrough join with local singers and professional musicians to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta through words and music. The main themes of equality before the law, democracy, and freedom have been woven together by composer Timothy Craig […]

Lecture: Rebellious Citizens: 800 Years of Citizen Politics

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Wednesday 8 July 2015, 6pm Durham University Speaker: Dr. Christian Liddy, Durham University and academic curator of the exhibition. Tickets £10 Includes a visit to the exhibition and drinks reception. Magna Carta was the product of revolt. At different points in British history the identity, rights, and responsibilities of the citizen have provoked resistance to […]


Lecture: Magna Carta: The View from Durham

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Thursday 2 July 2015, 6pm Durham University Speaker: Professor Nicholas Vincent, University of East Anglia Tickets £10 Professor Nicholas Vincent, University of East Anglia Includes a visit to the exhibition and drinks reception Durham Cathedral boasts one of the finest collections of Magna Carta manuscripts to survive, including the only remaining original of the 1216 […]


David Starkey on Magna Carta

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Friday 5 June 2015, 7.30pm This leading constitutional historian, known for his forthright views, talks about the agreement that first limited the power of the monarch by stating the basic rights, privileges, and liberties of leading citizens. There are few who better understand the way the most powerful have thought throughout our history. His assessment […]


Lecture: Good versus bad institutions? Citizenship in colonial Latin and North America, 16th -18th Centuries

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Wednesday 17 June 2015, 6pm Palace Green Library Learning Centre Speaker: Professor Maarten Prak, University of Utrecht Free to attend. This event is part of the “From Subjects to Citizens? 800 Years and Citizen Politics” Seminar Series in conjunction with the Magna Carta and the Changing Face of Revolt Exhibition. Please note that places are […]


Lecture: A Precariat Charter – From Denizens to Citizens

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Wednesday 10 June 2015, 6pm Palace Green Library Learning Centre Speaker: Professor Guy Standing, University of London This event is part of the “From Subjects to Citizens? 800 Years and Citizen Politics” Seminar Series in conjunction with the Magna Carta and the Changing Face of Revolt Exhibition. Please note that places are limited and will […]


Lecture: Geographies and Genealogies of Citizenship

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Wednesday 3rd June, 6pm Palace Green Library Learning Centre Speaker: Professor Lynn Staeheli, Durham University Free to attend. This event is part of the “From Subjects to Citizens? 800 Years and Citizen Politics” Seminar Series in conjuntion with the Magna Carta and the Changing Face of Revolt Exhibition. Please note that places are limited and […]

Durham City

Magna Carta and the Changing Face of Revolt

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1st June – 31st August Durham Cathedral in Durham City, often cited as the greatest Norman building in Europe, holds three editions of Magna Carta dated 1216, 1225 and 1300, which demonstrate the evolution of the original. In the summer of 2015, see the only surviving 1216 issue of the Magna Carta in a fascinating […]